Friday 24 September 2010

Aah it's nice to be wanted....

Yes yes I know I've been very, very slack on the blogging front recently but I really had lost track of how long it had been. It has been on my to-do list and has sort of been there a while. However, I'm now starting to get people checking that I'm ok as I haven't written my blog. So to put those lovely minds at rest, here I am.
The summer whizzed by in a blur of 100 degree temperatures, visits to the pool and finally getting to the beach. Our beautiful beach, as you can see, takes less than 15 minutes to get to now I have been brave enough to drive on the parkway. Paul's mum was over for three weeks so I was able to go into Manhattan for a couple of 'tourist' days and visit all the places I feel too guilty to take the buggy into. I went and saw the original 'Winnie the Pooh' toys in the New York Library, watched the stars in Grand Central and got the shivers looking at all of the armour suits in the Met (I swear they were looking at me ;-))) ) I even had time to watch my first ever 3D film "Toy Story 3" and am only just recovering from the emotional trauma. Paul and I took the opportunity to drive up to a very pretty wedding in Niagara-on-the-lakes (yes, we did have an invite) which seemed a really good idea until we had to do the drive home in the pissing rain. It also gave us our first taste of driving back into Long Island on a Sunday evening, cue horrendous traffic jams, no visibility and a drive home time of 11 and a half hours. The photo was taken during a lull of rain, just before the heavens opened and Manhattan started to resemble Gotham City.
Since we last spoke, Boy Wonder has had his second birthday and is all grown up now! He seems to have developed a bit of a party obsession but we are quite lucky that he has no understanding of what a party really is. We took him to the sofa shop on Saturday and made a few 'whoop whoop' party noises and he had a great time!!! We had some of the neighbours around for an afternoon tea party and got them all tipsy on Pimms.
We are now approaching the Fall season and everyone is already planning ahead for Halloween. It seems to be a big thing here with lots of houses already getting dressed up. We went to a Halloween Superstore yesterday to get some goodies. By the door they had large moving models and a little girl sitting cross-legged whose head spun around. All very tacky but a bit too similar to Chucky for my liking. I am still having Chucky nightmares after being in the Haunted House at Universal Studios and a real mini-person dressed up as Chucky jumped out from behind a bin and scared me. Looking back, the sensible thing to do would to have realised that it wasn't really Chucky and to have moved on. However, I was absolutely petrified, frozen to the spot screaming, with the Chucky-midget dancing around my knees. It was only after Paul had stopped laughing that he finally pulled me away to safety. I rather enjoy having an over-active imagination until situations like this happen and I don't know what to do with myself. (I'll save my trauma about the ride in the Chamber of Horrors where the people dressed up as mass murderers jump out for another time...) xx