Friday 13 August 2010

Social Butterfly

As the title of my blog suggests, I have been fluttering all over the place this week. A total of four dates in my diary no less. I am sitting in another coffee shop blogging (so very New York) while Boy Wonder is being hot-housed . When I'm finished I'm off to pay for some swimming lessons and run around some shops. All on my very own.

Earlier in the week, we went to play at our new friend's house. I am trying to arrange a future marriage between Boy Wonder and the lovely Madison. So far it is going well, judging by the huge smooch on the lips that he left her with on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, we sat next to the 'magician man' in the bookshop which, sadly, still remains one of my highlights of the week.

Yesterday we went into Manhattan and had a lovely day, despite the early rain. The boys all had a lovely play so the girlies could have a good chat. The boys even got a free lunch as the Dept of Education are providing a free lunch and breakfast daily to all children under 18 in the open play spaces in NY. Then I had lunch in my first American diner and yes, we did order some blueberry pancakes. It was all very fifties and vinyl looking. Walking through Times Square, I saw the large statue that is drawing the crowds ready for the big 'Pucker Up' snog fest which is happening on Saturday afternoon. There were lots of couples sweeping each other off their feet having their pics taken underneath.

The train journey home turned into a toe-curlingly (is that a word??) embarrassing experience. All was quiet and peaceful, until Boy Wonder turned an alarming shade of crimson and practised his grunting 'going to the toilet' sounds. Rather loudly. For a very long time. Now there is a definite lack of anywhere to change children on the train other than a smelly, pee covered hovel which I was determined to avoid. Not to worry I thought. I'm sure he can cope until we get to the car. Boy Wonder had other ideas. He then started to wail loudly, shouting "Poo! Poo!" at the top of his voice. So the other other passengers who were lucky enough not to smell him, could definitely now hear him. At first I tried the 'denial' approach but his insistent cries of "Poo!' could not be ignored. Somehow, and I'm still not too sure how I managed, I changed him in the toilet on a shelf about 20cm wide. He was not a happy bunny. But the passengers were mightily relieved...

Last night, I went to the neighbour's 'clothing party', which is like a tuppaware party for clothes. I was rather nervous as I didn't know anyone. This was compounded by the fact that I was introduced as the 'new neighbour, Amelia'. It turns out that the host couldn't remember my name so ask our other neighbour who told her I was called Amelia. I don't know whether they think I look like an Amelia or if they think it's a very English name, but either way it's good to know you've made an impact on your new neighbours (!) Anyway, all was going well, rather helped by a nice large glass of wine, until it came to the time to try some of the samples on. Everyone was trying on stuff and coming down to show their friends who 'oohed' and 'aahed' in all the right places. I then took some stuff up to try on but when I had it on was stopped by the thought of 'Who exactly am I going to go down and show??? I don't know anyone! Who will 'ooh' and 'aaah' over me? :-((((( I forced myself to go down and lots of very nice strangers did the 'oohing and aahing' on my behalf. The salesperson from the clothing company then came over to tweak me who said I'd need a smaller size in the top. I told her that I was wearing a XS which she then started pulling about and saying 'My goodness, you really are tiny on top'. Now this really isn't a compliment. On any level. Ever. Needless to say, I didn't buy the bloody horrible top but I did get a long hoodie cardi thing which I'm sure will be all the rage in Garden City this Fall/Winter season.


Thursday 5 August 2010

Sweaty Betty

Well it's all a bit Sweaty Betty here at the mo - the last thermometer check showed 101 degrees. My delicate 'english rose' complexion is taking a bit of a battering as it is constantly being smothered in 50plus factor suncream. Now this may be a positive in terms of sun protection but unfortunately doesn't allow the skin to 'breathe'. Hence, I end up walking around with a permanent halo of sweat forming around my hairline and running down my neck. Clearly this is not a good look and a total contrast to the matt, groomed appearances usually in show in Garden City.

Since we returned from the UK, I've been working hard on my mini-project called 'Challenge - Find Some American Friends'. It's been going rather well so far and I'm pleased to report that I went out on Tuesday evening with my new friend. Yes, just the two of us and we had a lovely dinner, thank you very much. OK, my new friend is Australian not American but has been in the US for a long time (but is also new to the area) We've also been next door for a BBQ with the neighbours and been chatting to a few people at the pool. So the project is still work in progress but going well.

Boy Wonder had now started at his little pre-school on a Monday and Friday morning and so far has come back exhausted from each session. Hopefully he can develop his 'sharing skills' a bit as well as continuing to bring home the best art work ever seen for his proud M and D. So good, in fact, that I made a special trip to ikea earlier to buy lots of colourful frames to display his masterpieces. Sam sent me a link the other day to a story about a seven year old boy who sold some of his paintings for 150,000 pounds so maybe that's how BW will find his fortune.

People are already making plans to come over next year so if you are thinking of coming at some point let me know as soon as you can. Joanna and Sara are already booked to come over by cruise next August - how exciting!! I'd love to come by cruise at some point. Maybe I can convince Paul to bring BW back on the plane and I'll join them five days later... I've recently discovered that our local mall is the fifth largest in the US (not quite sure how I didn't notice this before last Friday!) and is full of all the shops that you find in the city, including Bloomingdales, Macy's, JCPenney, Anthropologie (Joe - can you believe how excited I was?) So those of you who do stay may have to leave just a little extra space in your luggage for goodies home...