Thursday 6 May 2010

A quick one...

...while I drag myself away from watching the election results as they happen... My mind is currently boggling trying to get my head around it all. I think if I ask Paul to explain to me just one more time how a hung parliament works, he might just poke me between the eyeballs.

So there we were having a lovely dinner outside and totally missing all of the chaos with the car bomb found in Times Square. We didn't hear any more sirens than usual or see any more people. You'll be pleased to know that Times Square was packed again by Sunday morning, just with a few TV cameras here and there.

As you may know, we are in Santa Monica at the moment. We took the six hour flight on Tuesday and finally turned into the people that Paul and I used to avoid at all costs on planes. Boy Wonder was an absolute pickle for the entire flight. It was as if we had given him a shot of sugar before take off. In the end, we had to make a decision. Either, let him annoy the hell out of the woman in front by letting him sit on Paul's lap and poke the TV screen and hang on her headrest, or, try to prevent the afore-mentioned fun and have a major screaming strop which would annoy the hell out of the rest of the plane. It was a no-brainer really. For some strange reason, the minute the plane started it's descent, he fell asleep and was totally sparko.

We finally arrived at the hotel a little later than planned, due to having to track down our stroller which had been tagged to fly on to San Francisco, and getting the shuttle bus to the wrong car hire company as Paul hadn't checked the paperwork. So we were all rather exhausted by Tuesday evening.

The last couple of days have been lovely. Boy Wonder and I have been strolling along the seafront, up and down the pier, sitting on the beach and running away from the sea. The weather is rather warm and my freckles have come out so I must have caught some sun.

Anyway, must dash and watch the unfolding drama that is politics in the UK.


  1. I will explain a hung parliment to you, but you have to pay for the phone

  2. I ended up explaining the political situation to a 24 year old youngster on the train yesterday. He tugged on my sleeve and asked me to tell him what it means because I sounded 'like a teacher'! He was currently between jobs and didn't vote but he would have voted BNP - but he wasn't rascist (his best mate was black...). Then I had to explain the immigration policies. Bet he wished he hadn't asked...
    Anyway, the telly is mega boring and I'd much rather be in Santa Monica with you. Have you seen anyone famous yet? xx
