Saturday 1 May 2010

Paul and I have been practising blending in and have started to watch some of the basketball on television. My thinking is that Paul is watching to get some tips for when he is shooting hoops and the neighbourhood teenagers start watching. The other night we were watching the 'Cleveland Cavs' and I saw the biggest man in the planet who turns out to be Shaquille O'Neal. Even by basketball standards, he is huge! I thought Shaquille O'Neal was around in the 80s so what do I know?? I also watched Lebron James who is meant to be the current golden boy of basketball but all he did was miss the target. While this was on, there was some unusual cheering and shouting from outside. There was a group of about 12 people who were behaving in a rather odd manner and seemed to be doing some sort of 'follow my leader' type exercise. This involved lots of jumping, leaping and twirling down the road and also included some rather impressive human dominoes. It was a bit like the Fat Boy Slim 'Praise You' video. I'm sure it was very liberating and looking back I'm rather disappointed I didn't run and join them.

Something to amuse those of you that have had the pleasure of talking to Boy Wonder on Skype... As you know, he likes to bang the table and expect the 'other person' to fall over or do some sort of party trick and then he likes to show lots of his toys. I was watching the election debate on the BBC website and Boy Wonder obviously thought I was chatting to friends on Skype. By the end of the debate, there was a whole pile of toys on the table that Boy Wonder had been trying to show the politicians and he was rather miffed that none of them had fallen on the floor in order to make him laugh.

I went to the theatre again today to see 'A Little Night Music' with Catherine Zeta Jones and Angela Lansbury. CZJ was rather tall and really rather good. Angela Lansbury is 84 years old and just a legend. She was absolutely magical, being wheeled out like Miss Haversham, and I was rather sad when she died at the end. I was rather concerned that she was in a wheelchair because she really couldn't walk but you'll be pleased to know that it was just the role she was playing. As much as I enjoyed it, I'm not overly keen on musicals and out of the three shows I've seen, it is the one I wouldn't want to see again, even though I very nearly shouted out 'I love you Jessica Fletcher' at the end. I hadn't given much thought to it before but the audiences for each of the shows have been totally different. The Scarlett Johannson audience was quite a young crowd (you see how I slipped myself into that group), the Denzel Washington audience was very culturally mixed, and the Angela Lansbury audience all seemed to worthy of their bus passes (I'm not there yet!) It took hours to get out of the theatre at the end as all of the oldies were struggling to get down the stairs with their walking sticks.

We have been having a mini-heatwave here and this morning I took my boys for a walk along the Hudson river to show them the walk I did yesterday with my new friends. I have met a few people and we have got together three times this week which has been lovely. To finish off a wonderful day, we went out to dinner this evening and got ourselves a table outside so we could all watch the world go by. Boy Wonder was as good as gold and charmed lots of the passers by. There was a lady waiting outside with her pet rabbit under her arm, who was wearing a rather fetching bandana (that's the rabbit not the lady). I am used to all of the New York dogs being dressed in various attire, and to be honest, I now feel a dog is rather under-dressed if it isn't wearing booties as a minimum, but the bandana wearing rabbit out on a Saturday evening was a tad bizarre.


  1. Sorry I haven't learnt to copy and paste links using the new laptop....

  2. That has sorted out jessies xmas present-do you get a discount on four pink wellies?

  3. I love Murder She Wrote! I think I would have been mega excited too and joined in with the I love you :) I am very impressed with all this theatre going - what a culture queen you are!

  4. Pete and I went to see Midsummer Night's Dream at the Globe on Monday... it was awesome but BLOODY COLD!!! Especially as we went on the bike as there were loads of train cancellations so sat in full leathers in amongst all the very posh people (who froze in their pashmenas!) x
