Wednesday 10 November 2010

The hills are alive...

A mini blog out of nowhere! What a surprise! I just need to share my excitement, which on the grand scheme of things probably highlights how I need to get out more, but all the same. I literally have butterflies that a mega icon is doing a book signing in my local Barnes and Noble tomorrow. I say mega icon as this person was the star of one of my favourite childhood films, one of THE favourite films of all time, a Christmas classic in fact. Now to narrow it down to stars of my favourite childhood films... I'm never going to meet Judy Garland, I'm not sure whether Tommy Steele is still around either and ET quite clearly was never going to happen. So that leaves the wonderful Julie Andrews!!! I will forgive the fact that for some reason she thinks she is qualified to write children's books and try and queue with the masses to meet Julie Andrews. From what I understand, she is book signing from 4pm and they are handing out wristbands from 11am but you can they go home and return later, so hopefully the queue is do-able with a teething toddler... My only concern is that I will probably just cry with excitement. They just had the Von Trapp children from the film on breakfast TV with Julie (first name terms now) singing 'Doe A Deer' and that made me well up.
Saying that, I'm still recovering from watching Corrie on iplayer and watching Jack go to meet Vera. Oh my goodness. You must be made of stone if that didn't make you shed a tear or two. It was just so beautiful and perfect.
Now m and d have left, it's oh so quiet in Stepford so have been busy cleaning, tidying and putting away the Halloween decorations for next year. I've even had to get rid of one of my pumpkins due to serious squirrel attacks. I've also noticed that the toilet cleaner smells of germolene which I can't work out if I'm happy about or not...
BW and I are off to join our local 'Mommy and Me' group later this morning so hopefully it will go well, and BW won't be the first child in Stepford to get a ban from playgroup.
Wish me luck that I get my wristband. Maybe if I hum some Sound of Music classics they'll put me at the front of the line just to get rid of me. Either that or I'll go dressed as a nun.


  1. Ah v jealous!! When I was 9 made my M&D drive round Bev Hills and we sat outside her house for a while!! I have the pics - she had lovely gates!! - Enjoy!! xxx

  2. Oh I'll share that with her tomorrow! But was it as much fun as driving around Lake Como trying to stalk George Clooney's house??? I thought not... ;-))))
