Friday 26 March 2010

Family Dating

Family Dating. That was what they were discussing on the 'Today' show yesterday morning. At first I thought it was what you did if you were a single parent and wanting to meet a new partner who also had a family. Then I watched the short video and it was all woman talking so then I thought it was something to do with single parents wanting to meet a same sex partner. But I was wrong. Apparently, 'family dating' is what I should be doing!!!! It's when you actually 'court' another 'mom' with children and spend time together seeing if you get along and if your children get along. That is actually the language they were using. You 'court' each other and it also gave tips on how to deal with 'ending your relationship'. Holy Moly - I'm going to have to give this a little more thought. I mean, what should I wear to the park? Will I look too forward if I make the first move? Do I say 'I'll call you'? What if they don't call me back???

Yesterday morning Boy Wonder and I found found a fantastic playground in Central Park complete with huge sandpit (which we have since bought some toys for). Central Park is like an oasis of calm in the middle of the madness. For some reason it was even more busy than usual down Fifth Avenue. I have a new game which is called 'Spot the English Person'. They are the ones with a complete set of bags from Abercrombie and Fitch, NBA and Hershey's.

Unfortunately, the sunglasses haven't stopped weirdy beardy approach number 2. I was waiting at the traffic lights with a whole crowd of people when a man started rambling away to my left. Like everyone else, I just ignored him. Then all of a sudden he leaned into me and said 'I'm talkin' to you.' So everyine turned and stared. Thankfully, the light changed and I power-walked ahead. Brilliant, I thought, I've lost him. Now, those of you that have been to New York will know the roads are on a grid system and as soon as you get caught at one set of lights you will be stopping the whole way down. So there I was, making my great escape, until I was caught at the next light with rambling man rapidly approaching. You would have been very proud as I did a swift turn to my left and crossed the other junction instead. Maybe I should be wearing a hat as well as my sunglasses. Any more tips anyone (from anyone other than Sam D!)?

Talking of great escapes, we nearly had another one this morning. Normally after Paul leaves for work I turn the latches in the door. This morning, Boy Wonder was up earlier and sitting on my lap having a cuddle when Paul left and I forgot about the door (you can probably see where this is heading...) After breakfast I went in the bedroom and then I heard a noise. 'Oh, that sounds a bit like the door' I thought to myself. Panic immediately set in as I went in the hallway to see that, indeed, Boy Wonder had made a great escape. I opened the door to see him charging down the corridor with his little legs wobbling about in his nappy and stripey pyjama top. My first thought was that he did look quite cute. My second thought was that I was actually quite impressed that he knew how to open the door and the thought process behind his great escape. Of course, my last thought was that I am a slummy mummy and I've learnt a lesson there.

We had a quiet day and mooched around Bryant Park where Boy Wonder found a ramp to run up and down. We then went on a carousal where Boy Wonder made loud 'woo woo' noises and rather louder noises when he needed to get off.

Really pleased it's the weekend. Off to the theatre tomorrow. Can't wait. Might stop me thinking about the girls at Book Club on Sunday xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. No hidden codes today then?. Dad.

  2. I can only assume they mean something different by 'dating' just saw a TV advert here for "Daddy-Daughter Date Night" at a restaurant in town. Just can't get my head around that.
