Wednesday 24 March 2010

These boots are made for walking...

We have had a lovely couple of days and are started to feel more settled each day. Boy Wonder sleeping for 13 hours (!!!!) the two previous nights has probably had something to do with it. This morning was the first morning so far where I haven't woken up with a minging headache so fingers crossed it stays that way.

Paul got very excited on his way to work yesterday as he walked past a viking exhibition in Times Square. I think it's something to do with promoting the new 'dragon' film. I told him that I would take him to see the vikings if I had time as Boy Wonder and I had more exciting things planned. Toys R Us!

When you enter Toys R Us there is a huge ferris wheel and staff that take your 'welcome' photo. We managed to avoid them but then Boy Wonder got quite taken with a person dressed in a large giraffe costume who was apparently called Geoffrey. This was another photo opportunity so I found myself trying to make Boy Wonder smile while standing next to a six foot waving giraffe. Now, as you know, I happen to think Boy Wonder is rather gorgeous and he has the funniest laugh in the world. But only on his terms. When someone is trying to take his photo and saying 'Smile', he starts to look a bit like Les Dawson. Hence, our occasional nickname for him which is 'Chops'. After about five minutes, the poor photographer gave up trying and let us get on our way. Boy Wonder particularly liked looking at the ferris wheel, as one of the cars looks like the yellow and red 'Little Tikes' cars that he is obsessed with, and also waving at the large moving dinosaur.

After that we went to Fifth Avenue via the Rockefeller Centre. I can feel a slight obsession with the Rockefeller Centre coming on. And this isn't just to do with the toilets (rest rooms!). It has only taken a couple of days but I now have a route planned where I know where the toilets are where I can fit in with the buggy. Toys R Us. Rockfeller. FAO Schwarz. Now just need to find some when I head downtown. Some of you may not appreciate how important this finding is. But trust me, now I'm trying to blend in with the NY yummy mummies, complete with bottle of water permanently on the go, it's a necessity. (Paul says my new sunglasses make me look a proper NY yummy mummy and I am now recognised in the local corner shop so hopefully blending in) I seem to be walking miles and still haven't quite worked out which subways have lifts so I can get the buggy down. There are lots of parks dotted around so Boy Wonder can let off his steam and wear himself out (so he continues to sleep for 13 hours a night ;-) )

Have been pleasantly surprised at how much attention Boy Wonder gets over here. All of the staff here make a huge fuss of him and people smile at him all of the time and even ruffle his hair. A really old man helped me down some steps with the buggy today and I was slightly concerned he would injure himself. Luckily, Boy Wonder has perfected his waving, if not his smiling. Today, we met Paul in Bryant Park and Boy Wonder played near the fountain with a little girl the same age. He was rather taken with her and kept showing her his moves. This involved marching, bouncing, pointing at the water and sort of jumping. I was very proud.

I am still struggling with the supermarket. We have a store a couple of blocks away which seems to stock a wide range of stuff. However, most of the brands are unfamiliar and I'm finding it difficult to work out which is the healthy option or not. All of the tins seem to be HUGE. I have found the US equivalent of Sudocrem which is called 'Butt Paste' which amused me for hours.

Anyway, it's going to be a nice day tomorrow so heading off to Central Park. With my sunglasses. Now off to join Paul watching 'ANTM'. xx


  1. 'America's next Top Model'. You are going to have to get with it Dad. Now off to
    sm-eyes.... x

  2. Is this some sort of brain test ? sm-eyes? Dad x

  3. loving your blog to one and all x

  4. Yeah ANTM - ahead of the UK - don't spoil it for us!! Sounds like you are having a ball. Totally get the 'knowing where things are' bit.
    Miss you loads but so glad you are having fun. Be nearly on the same time in 5 sleeps!! You got a phone no yet?? lots love xxxxxx

  5. Dad - Sm-eyes - smile with your eyes! It's an 'ANTM' thing!

    Phil - Glad you like it. Hope you and Ange can come and visit soon. You would love it!

    Janey - Yes have a landline - Alex will have the number as Paul sent him an email with all the contact details on. I'll check! Bet you can't wait to go on holiday xx

  6. I am still none the wiser...I used to think I was quite cool for a 63yo(year old).How is Tyler..Dad
