Sunday 14 March 2010

Oh Bags!

How is it possible that I can't fit everything into five suitcases? Or, two large cases, one small case and two black holdals (sp?) to be precise. Already, I have recycled and donated. I have raffled tat and hidden tat in people's houses. I have been to the dump and have a mountain of stuff being kept safe at M and D's and Janey and Al's house.

Decisions will have to be made. For example, Boy Wonder's 47th favourite cuddly toy or a spare box of ReadyBrek? Boy Wonder's 'favourite book 'Brown Bear Brown Bear' or my latest Stieg Larsson which I'm hugely excited about? An extra grey cardi for me or all of Paul's black tops - I mean, does he really need that many??

Can't believe we are flying on Friday morning. I'm sure it seems to many people that we've been talking about it for ages and our leaving dinner three weeks ago is a distant blur. To me, it's come around like 'that' (clicks fingers in a fast fashion). Just like 'that'.

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