Monday 22 March 2010

I've got a date with Scarlett Johannson...

Had a lovely morning yesterday. It was a beautiful day so headed off towards Times Square. There was some sort of race going on so the road was closed and the NYPD were letting people cross. We sat in Bryant Park enjoying the sun and took turns following Boy Wonder around harassing the birds.

Then to business. We hit Macy's which was rather satisfying. It didn't open until 11 and there was a huge surge of people going in when the door opened. The main item I needed was a new hairdryer. I seem to remember mentioning in a previous entry that next time I cut my hair I will go even shorter. If I mention anything like that again, please tell me no. I always go through a novelty five minutes of liking my shorter hair then go in to full blown grieving for my pony tail. The main problem with hair above the shoulders is it takes way too much effort and maintenance. I mean, it needs to be styled!!!! Hence the hairdryer.

Paul went back to work this morning so was looking forward to a morning exploring. As we had all been awake since 5am I was desperate to get out. Unfortunately, it was raining rather heavily but that didn't dampen my enthusiam (tee hee). I was rather excited to find the ice rink at the Rockefeller Centre still open and I watched the 'Today' programme being filmed. I got myself at the back of the crowd that could be seen on the monitors. I don't think this TV experience reached the dizzy heights of my 'appearance' on the US version of '10 Years Younger' when we were in LA a couple of years ago. That episode involved the presenter choosing volunteers from the crowd (there was 10 of us who had been asked to stand in a particular spot) to comment on the new hair/teeth/clothes/figure of the 'victim'. I stood there inwardly dying of embarrassment as the presenter asked everyone around me their opinion but avoided me. I started paying attention to what he was saying and he was complimenting the other girls on their personal style. I then became uncomfortably aware of the rather sweaty patch that had formed on T-shirt and my shiny, caked in sun creamed face. The final straw was when the presenter even asked the girl next to me, and she was wearing a 'New Kids On The Block' T-shirt.

Anyway, back to today. I was rather pleased to find my new favourite shop in the whole wide world, Anthropologie, in the Rockafeller Centre. I bought a rather nice pair of sunglasses which I'm going to wear every day, come rain or shine, to stop me catching people's eyes and making me a magnet for strange people. Sara told me today that Sam D also has the knack of attracting strange people too so maybe it's an Arien trait.

Saturday afternoon. I've got a date with Scarlett Johannson who is so gorgeous I think I could marry her. And Paul wouldn't complain either. I'm going to see her in an Arthur Miller play called 'A View From The Bridge' (I think). I have no idea what it's going to be about and haven't read any Arthur Miller since college. I've also got a ticket to see Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury (yes, THE Angela Lansbury) in a play at the start of May. How exciting is that? Have decided not to bother with the big type productions but hunt out the smaller shows with the celebs. Shallow? Moi?? x


  1. This is just a note to say that I/we posted a comment for this page on last weds blog.Will call later in week.I think we have just got the hang of this. Love M+D.

  2. wow Arthur Miller and a new hair dryer! Go get em girl! x

  3. My life is just sooooo dull .......

  4. OMG I luuurrrrvvvve Scarlett, she is a doll. If you marry her can we do the car keys thing? John isn't so fussed on her - he clearly has no taste (!) It all sounds wonderful, I'm loving the blog and am properly jealous. Last time I was in NY with Sam D she WAS the weirdo, not attracting the weirdos - she was wearing one of those hat umbrella things and rollerblades. Even we were trying to get away...

  5. Aha! It works. Been trying to post for ages!! Right then, I am unfortunately a nutter magnet, and the sunglasses thing is genius. Eye contact is the killer. Also, practise a sour look in the mirror... one that says "Come even a step closer and I will knee you in the squidgy bits". (this may also inhibit the making of new friends, so you need to be able to turn it off at will. I seem to have lost this ability.)
    Sam, we ALL had rollerblades as we were cool Central Park Skaters. II'm sure I simply ADMIRED a hat similar to the one you describe, not actually wore one.) xxxx
