Monday 29 March 2010

Out and about

Saturday was rather exciting as I was able to zoom around a few shops without the buggy. I went up and down all the escalators and squeezed myself through narrow gaps. The only thing I bought was a magazine to take to the theatre.

It was rather lovely going to the theatre on my own. When we lived in London, I went through a stage of going to the cinema alone on Saturday afternoons while Paul played football. The first film I saw was the 'Blair Witch Project' which looking backwas a bit of a random choice to watch alone. The second film I saw was 'the Sixth Sense' and I walked all the way home crying. After that I stopped going alone. However, I was more than happy at the theatre alone with my magazine and packet of Starburst.

The play ('A View From The Bridge') was absolutely fantastic. Scarlett Johannson was amazing (and gorgeous) but it was the man man, Liev Schreiber, who stole the show. If you are interested in what it was about you can google it but it left me with a lump in my throat. Luckily, I was able to compose myself before I walked back. The next theatre trip planned is with my brother in a couple of weeks when we are off to see Denzel Washington in 'Fences'.

Yesterday, we were going to explore part of the north of Long Island before going to spend the afternoon with Paul's boss and his family. Paul had been very organised and booked a hire car with a child seat through Hertz which we went to collect in the morning. They gave us the keys to the car and it was only when we found it we realised the child seat was loose. I spoke to the lady who said that they aren't allowed to fit the child seats anymore so we had to fit it ourselves following the instructions. Well, the 'instructions' turned out to be a sticky label on the side of the car seat. Now, both Paul and I have many talents but neither of us is particularly useful when it comes to being practical. We ended finding a member of staff who apparently was allowed to tell us what to do. That was when we found out that the car we had been given didn't actually have the correct fittings for the child seat. It took Paul a while to get the booking lady to realise that it wasn't unreasonable to assume that we would actually want the child seat to be fitted in the car so finally she offered us a different car. After being there an hour, the chap actually fitted the child seat in the new car just to get rid of us. The new car was the size of a bus. Paul filled me with confidence when he said, "Oh, I've never driven a car this big before." Oh good, I thought. The rest of the trip was more successful as we looked at a couple of potential places to move to, Great Neck and Port Washington. Boy Wonder was given a compliment by some people in a restaurant for being so well behaved and he spent the afternoon chasing after the cutest little dog ever.

Boy Wonder has learnt to say 'Wow' and says it at every available opportunity. He also does exaggerated 'Mmmm' sounds whenever he is eating. I'm thinking this may be to make me feel better about my cooking. He has a rather nice blue spotty tea set from Early Learning Centre and has been making tea for his teddies for a while now. He has now developed this skill further by pouring his water from his beaker into the cups and putting a cup of 'tea' on each of the bedside tables in Paul and I's room. Next week we are teaching him how to work the kettle.

You'll be pleased to know it's not all glam and fast living over here. It rained heavily today so I got as far as the supermarket and back and even had time to go down and do the laundry. It's due to rain again tomorrow so I doubt we will go too far. The weather is due to clear in the middle of the week and the temperatures going up. The forecast at the moment is 78 degrees in time for my birthday. Woo hooo!!!! I may just have to go shopping as the only clothes I have here are my winter ones. That makes shopping for new clothes a 'necessity' as opposed to a 'want'. And apparently that makes a difference ...... xx


  1. Paul has just said in his defence, that apparently there isn't a car as big as the one we had yesterday and no-one ever (EVER) has driven a car that big before. That it was the biggest car in the whole wide world.

    Well, I'm glad he's cleared that one up.

  2. We will look at the locations on google maps.Glad to here Tyler is getting used to things.Jessie said that all dogs are cute when they are small(she was small once).

  3. Ha ha - love hearing about the big car thing. Currently we have the biggest 4x4 in the world which fits all 6 of us and our pile of luggage/skis!! So huge in fact - even my dad managed to do what I thought only I could do and backed it into an inanimate object!! Ooops! xx
