Saturday 20 March 2010

Well, here we are!

Not that I'd tell Paul, but there are a few benefits to having a husband who travels a bit. Mainly these bonuses revolve around being able to watch maximum rubbish on television and eating comfort food on a tray on the sofa. However, the main benefit is the air miles that Paul has been stock-piling which enabled us to travel to New York 'first class darling'.

This made a huge difference in making yesterday run as smoothly as it possibly could. We woke up hideously early with minds a-buzzing. Many apologies to Jane and Alex for leaving a pile of random stuff at their house and being a snivelling wreck at the airport. The flight was on time and the first class section was only half full so Boy Wonder trotted around ruling the roost. Way too excited to sleep for any length of time. Travelling with a toddler is certainly a very different experience than what I'm used to. And I don't mean that in a good way!!!!!! However, I did curl up in my complimentary 'lounge' pyjamas and have a good rummage through all the freebies.

We got through passport control without any problems and all of our luggage turned up. I always dread waiting at the luggage carousal ever since our suitcase didn't turn up when we went to Cuba. Jane and Alex helped us out then as well! We were even met on time by the lovely taxi driver who works for a company that provide taxis with baby car seats. We arrived to 71 degrees and beautiful blue sky and I swear my heart fluttered when we saw the New York skyline. Just as we were arriving in Midtown, Boy Wonder had a slightly concerned look on his face. I thought it was all of the very large trucks and strange noises he could hear. I realised I was wrong when he promptly threw up everywhere all over himself and the cab. Paul and the taxi driver politely ignored it.

Our apartment is lovely with loads of space for Boy Wonder to charge up and down. We are on the fifth floor and last night I watched all the skyscrapers lighting up the night sky while I enjoyed a nice mug of PG tips.

Only had a short wander this morning as Boy Wonder a bit under the weather. You will be pleased to know that I have attracted my first weirdy beardy person in Starbucks. He proceeded to tell me how he was bitten by a snake in Puerto Rico when he was nine months old so his aunt had to carry him around, until his grandma buried his leg in sand and he was cured. I think that was the gist of it. Paul was consumed with looking out of the window at this point. I need to develop some sort of 'tough don't talk to me' type face, as opposed to 'I'm English and too polite to tell you to get lost'. I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. WoW! What a treat to fo first class! Glad you got there safely and making your self at home with PG Tips! It sounds like you are having far too much fum already, as i write this looking out of my window at the dull sky pouring with rain!!!! Not that Im jealous - much!!! Have fun unpacking and enjoy settling in to your new apartment. Take care and have fun!

  2. Yey - so glad you are there safe and sound. Sorry to hear about Tylers first cab ride - lets hope he gets used to them!
    Enjoy settling in and exploring. Loads of love Us x3 xxxxx

  3. i miss you sooooo much already, it feels weird thinking of you over there! Mum gets back from world cruise tomorrow so going to make dad book our flights this week! Pete has 30,000 air miles, is that enough for us to go first class??! Hope Boy Wonder is feeling better now. Am off to have a cup of PG tips and admire the Richings Park sky line. God bless xxx

  4. Louise - I'm connected to the bliog now and it is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! I love that I can follow your adventure - live it even through your story. What an exciting start already......start practising that twang darling!
    Am so jealous of your upgraded flight - what a treat! Am always HOPING i get offered an upgrade - guess I should clock up some miles...
    Hope your little treasure is okay and ready to explore his new home. *sigh* what i would give to come to America! Emjoy Hun:-)
