Wednesday 17 March 2010

Reasons to be cheerful...

Am highly stressed and full of cold. It would have been really helpful today to be full of energy to clean and move out of the Marlow pad but was not meant to be. However, I have decided not to wallow in self-pity but to acknowledge my reasons to be cheerful. 1. 2. 3. And maybe even 4.

I have Paul and Boy Wonder in my life. Paul is my everything. And Boy Wonder. Who is worth every second of the wait we had. I would cry each tear over again if I knew he was at the end of the path.

My M, D and Daniel. Whom I love with all my heart and really should tell them more often.

My friends - Have said enough about them already. Won't say any more as they'll just get too big for their boots. I must say though, Jane is once again being a wonderful host and being suitably sympathetic to my cold!

Our American Adventure - Nervous as hell but bring it on!!! Life is for living. No regrets. Regret lasts a lifetime.

See. Lots of reasons to be cheerful.. I won't even get upset about the fact that 'Over the Rainbow' is starting on BBC on Friday and I won't be here to watch it. No, I'll be arriving in New York!!!! Woooo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. John and I wish you all the love and luck in the world on your new adventure. I will miss you loads, but am looking forward to reading your blog! Enjoy....have fun......and have the time of your life. Take care buddy!

  3. Love you too, big sis. Going to miss you all and i'll see you in 3 weeks for the first of many visits.

  4. Loving this blog Lou. So far so good. I'm a dedicated follower now. You'll be there now. Wishing you lots of love and happiness. I'll be seeing you soon xx

  5. Great to talk today.If you want we will send Tyler some spare phones/handsets to smash?.Hope alls well you sounded ok and by the noise in the background so did Tyler. Miss you lots of love M + D.
