Saturday 17 April 2010

Bloody Volcanoes....

As you will already have worked out, my little bro has not been able to come out and visit. He has changed his flight three times and it still looks unlikely he will make it. I can imagine that there must be lots of people who need to travel from A to B for emergencies and others who are stranded away from their families. So when I am cursing bloody clouds of ash and feeling gutted that my bro can't be here, I'm trying to think of all the other people who are in much worse scenarios. I was SO looking forward to showing Daniel around so will have to plan an even better itinery for when he (hopefully) comes over in May.

We have been out today and finally sorted out our house (subject to all parties signing the lease.) We went back to the property that we really likes last week and met the landlord, Boon. I was rather nervous about meeting the landlord as it reminded me of something from years ago. Paul and I went to look at flat in Acton which we had found in the Loot paper and were shown around by the landlady. It was one of those arrangements where the landlady lived downstairs and she rented out the top floor. We loved the flat and thought the viewing had gone really well so we rang the landlady back later that day and were really disappointed to hear that the flat had just been rented out. We continued to search but didn't find anything so were really pleased to see the flat re-advertised in Loot a couple of weeks later. Paul rang the landlady and reminded her of our viewing and said that we were still really keen and how pleased we were that the flat was now available. There was an awful pause before the landlady blurted out that she wouldn't rent to us as she didn't like us and then she slammed down the phone. Luckily that didn't happen today! We are hopefully off to the village of Garden City on Long Island.

I can't get my head around American TV at all. The only programme that I watch is ANTM and a bit of Dancing With The Stars but even that isn't the same as my beloved Strictly. I did watch Celebrity Apprentice last night though. I realised that other than three of the contestants (Sharon Osbourne, Michael Jordan and Cyndi Lauper) I've got no idea who anyone else is so it's a bit like watching the normal apprentice. Though Donald Trump is definitely no Sir Alan.
We are also getting a lot of trailers for a remake of 'Nightmare On Elm St'. Have I missed something?? Was the original really that long ago?? Does it really need a remake? I think not. Freddy Krueger is still wearing the stripey jumper and they seem to have copied the old version scene for scene judging by the clips in the trailer.

Something I saw on the local news that amused me. There is a new exhibit at the Modern Art Museum - sorry the artist's name escapes me. It involves two real naked women standing opposite each other in a doorway. The article was about how they have had to raise security levels as people keep groping them. What tickled me was that they interviewed some chap in a rather dodgy rain mac who was explaining how it was very difficult to squeeze between the naked women without touching them as there wasn't space. He remarked how concerned he was that they would end up with lots of chafed and sore skin after all of the rough fabrics had been brushing past them all day. I'm sure he was salivating as he was expressing his concern. In my opinion, he looks a little too concerned...

It's all a bit cloudy here at the moment but looking forawrd to nice weather next week. Going back to the theatre like Billy No-Mates tomorrow to see Denzel Washington in a play called 'Fences'.

Fingers crossed the ash blows away soon...


  1. Dan has had a bad few days with this but will rebook.Bit lost for words about this there are vast amounts of people stranded all over the place.Good to here about house -keep us posted.ANTM ?

  2. I've told you that already - America's Next Top Model!!!!!! Keep up!!

    Also, I stand corrected. Re; Nightmare on Elm St. Apparently it's not a re-make, it's a 'creative re-imaginging- (????) I know I've spelt that wrong but I'm too tired to notice the error...
