Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ooh now with photos!!

I have finally worked out how to add photos so I can now amaze you (bore you) with images as well as words. I thought I'd start with a picture of my favourite cupcake shop. I have never watched 'Sex In The City' (there's something a bit odd about SJP's face) but I have since found out that Carrie Bradshaw is a bit of a fan of the Magnolia Bakery and apparently it is one of the stops of the 'Sex In The City' New York tour bus. Maybe if SJP ate more cupcakes she'd look a bit healthier...

My next photo is of Bryant Park. This is where they have the free ice-rink in the winter. I took this picture on Saturday morning where they were busy laying the lawn. Since Saturday, they have had the sprinklers on and you aren't allowed on it at the moment (the sod is settling apparently). As you can imagine, this large expanse of empty grass is rather tempting for Boy Wonder and more than once has he had to be retrieved. Today, we met Paul and sat at the Bryant Park 'Reading Room' where they loan you books or magazines. They have a children's selection of books and mini tables and chairs.

I have joined a couple of 'meet people' groups which is a bit daunting. I am going for my first 'meet' on Thursday afternoon for a walk along 'The Highline'. Apparently this used to be an elevated piece of road which has been turned into park space. So far, there is only me and another person but it's a start. I am feeling quite nervous already but looking forward to maybe meeting my first new friend. Originally I was going to brave the subway but I may walk in the sun as it's only 23 blocks downtown. I have been told that each block takes about a minute but I'm not convinced. This doesn't seem to include getting stopped at every corner. It will also get me out and about in the afternoon (Boy Wonder will have to nap in the buggy) as I'm slightly concerned I'm getting addicted to 'Dr Phil' on TV. Today I watched debate about obesity in the Us and they had Kelly Osbourne as their special guest (?) and I was quite surprised to hear her speaking with an accent like the queen.

I though I'd add a picture of Boy Wonder as my final one, only because I think he looks rather lovely. This picture was taken before his skin flared up (we are thinking some sort of allergy so have our first doctor's appointment tomorrow) and also before he acquired the rather large cut and bruise on his forehead. It's dangerous work exploring the steps at the local playground. Tomorrow I'm going to collect a toddler basketball hoop that he can play indoors which will keephim busy. I'm sure it'll be no surprise to learn that he already has daily football practise!!


  1. Fabulous pics - love the SJP comment - totally concur!!!
    Good luck with the 'meet people' - i know exactly how you are feeling. Just another adventure though eh!! xxxx

  2. Great to see Boy Wonder and other pics.Hope rash not to serious.This old sod settled a long time ago. Dad...xxx.

  3. Sounds like you're having a great time. Ian is very jealous!

    Georgina and Ian x

  4. Hope Boy Wonder got on OK at the docs. The photos are fab xxx
