Saturday 10 April 2010

Greenwich Village

Before I tell you about Greenwich Village, I'm going to attempt to add a video of Boy Wonder playing on the big piano at FAO Schwarz last week. It was one of the many things we did to escape the heat. I'm sure you'll agree, Boy Wonder gives Tom Hanks a good run for his money. Let me know if you are able to view it. It is only short so don't spend too long trying to download it. I should say before you watch it, 'no children were harmed in the making of this video'.... ;-)

This morning we all set off bright and early (well, it was for me but Paul had been up for hours!) to Greenwich Village. The plan was to show Paul all the places that I went to on Thursday afternoon. We had a lovely morning but were slightly fooled by the bright blue sky outside and hadn't really dressed for the occasion. We shivered our way along the Highline and got warm walking through Chelsea Market where we found a fab bookstore which had a children's area for Boy Wonder to sit and do colouring while I rummaged through the cards. I love Greenwich Village as you can see lots of sky and pavement!!!!

We stopped for lunch at an english chippie called 'A Salt And Battery' and sat and watched the world go by. Paul continued teaching Boy Wonder to say 'No no no no' while waggling his finger and shaking his head. I'm hoping that will come back to haunt him at some point. Next door is a lovely english tea shop called 'Tea and Sympathy' and and their sister store 'Carry On Tea and Sympathy' where I was able to buy some Heinz baked beans. The shop is set out like an olde worlde shoppe with all of the engligh food favourites. I didn't stay in there too long as I was starting to salivate over the pink french fancies. Maybe my bro can squeeze a pack in his case when he comes to visit on Thursday. Hint hint hint..... x


  1. Video worked well no delays.Spelling mistake in above blog...go to back of class and do not let boy wonder pick up these bad

  2. Video worked fine with me too - get you with all this technology!!!!

  3. It all sounds so lovely hun, fingers crossed we get to do some sight seeing with you too before the year is out. Very impressed by Tyler's musical ability!!

  4. Just catching up with your blog - it's fab! The video is great too, had a chuckle at Tyler's grooving :)

  5. i had a lump in my throat picturing you buying baked beans xxx
