Wednesday 7 April 2010

Short but sweet.

A short but sweet blog today. I am going to try to slow down this evening as I re-read my last blog and it was full of typing errors, none of which I can blame Paul's laptop for! Hopefully when my new macbook is up and running I'll have much more time to spend on my blog...

I am still laughing at the story about the two german woman who have been arrested for attempting to smuggle a corpse on a plane at Liverpool airport. According to news reports, the old man was wrapped up in a blanket and dark glasses and the women told airport staff that he was asleep. It just makes me think of watching 'Weekend at Bernie's' with Rachel when we went to Boston in 1989 to stay with my Uncle. We thought it was the funniest film in the whole wide world ever and rolled about laughing. Of course, when we returned to England and saw the film a second time, after raving about it to everyone, it wasn't quite the same. It must have been the American cinema experience. We also saw 'Dead Poet's Society' and people stood and clapped at the end. I'm sure we didn't get that at the Maybox.

We had a bit of excitement nearby yesterday evening when a series of manhole covers blew up and caught fire on 50th street between 8th and Broadway. Apparently it had something to do with the gases building up on the subway (?). I walked past the end of the road this morning and there were lots of fire-engines still there but no more explosions since last night. Talking about fire-engines, on the way to Central Park walking up 8th you pass the local fire-fighters station and on the wall they have a large mural remembering the fighters from that station who died on 9/11. Sixteen firefighters from that one station died. Just from that one station.

I tried to get to the sandpit in Central Park as early as I could and made it about quarter to ten. Even then, the sun was baking hot so we didn't stay too long. There was a right bunch of miserable so and so's at the park today and, though I know I shouldn't say it, but some really unpleasant children. Maybe being a teacher has set my expectations too high but when a little squirt takes away Boy Wonder's special shovel without asking and then won't give it back when I ask, well, in my opinion he deserved the sand that Boy Wonder aimed at his face.... ;-)
Can I just point out though that Boy Wonder only threw the sand when he saw little squirt's brother doing it first! Everywhere in the parks you see signs that say thank you for respecting the fences. I assumed this meant look after the fences and not pull or lean on them. I've now worked out it means don't climb over the fence onto the plants.

Anyway, after a miserable, sunstroke inducing time at the park we went to meet Paul for lunch via the Magnolia bakery. As you may know, Paul enjoys a nice bit of chocolate cake so I asked for the last slice which was a pretty hefty chunk. The lovely lady put it in a special box and went away. When she returned, she said with all seriousness, 'I'm sorry but this piece of cake is too small,' to which I replied, 'Oh dear. What do you suggest I do?' (That's a line I've stolen from Paul). So off she went again and saw her manager. When she returned, she asked if I was going to have anything else and I said I was about to get a cupcake. That was when she uttered the wonderful line, 'Well in that case, my manager says you can have the chocolate cake for free.' 'For free?' I replied. 'Oh yes' she said as she floated away into the heavens. OK I made up that last line but you get the picture.

Happiness is free cake in 87 degree New York heat. xx


  1. A build up of gases remimed me of boxing day dinner!

  2. Spelling error in above sorry...detention looms...Dadxxx.

  3. What on earth are you on about???
    Just remembered!! Lol x

  4. "a hefty chunk" that's no way to talk about Paul.
    3000 miles away and I can still be mean (in the nicest posible way), God I love technology sometimes.
    Love the "respect the fences" anecdote.
