Sunday 4 April 2010

Would you have liked a present too?

That's better - my birthday quote in tact. Nothing like a bit of Altered Images on your birthday. Paul did suggest a quote from the Sugarcubes 'Birthday' just to impress Sara, but the lyrics were a bit random even by my standards.

Have had a very busy few days in the sun. Despite Easter being called a holiday weekend, there are no bank holidays although Paul was able to take a half day off on Friday. Friday morning was dominated by parks once again. Boy Wonder and I started in Bryant Park, which I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice already and is already on my favourite places list. In the winter they have a free ice-rink and they have just finished laying the lawn for Spring.

After Bryant Park, we headed down Broadway and went to Madison Square Park which is near the Flatiron building. Anthony Gormley, the sculptor who created 'The Angel of the North', has a new installation called 'Event Horizon' based in and around the Flatiron district. It is 31 slightly different naked sculptures of himself dotted on the buildings and one in the park. When the event launched last month, the police were inundated with concerned passersby who thought people were about to jump off the buildings. I took lots of photographs of the sculptures I spotted and had some practise with the zoom on my camera. Then Boy Wonder and I continued along Broadway to Union Square which had their farmer's market on so was very busy. Our destination was the lovely playground - and was also the destination for every other child in New York. Again, the playground was full of exciting equipment and had a sandpit. When you entered through the gate, I needed to add the buggy to the line of about 50 others lined up against the fence. It was rather tricky finally encouraging (??!) Boy Wonder to leave but then we went across to the orginal Barnes and Nobel bookstore and I bribed him with some more picture books. Unfortunately, as the child of a teacher you end up with all of the old classics, so we added 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt' to our collection.

Yesterday morning, the three of us set of early and headed for Central Park. The park had another 10K run going on and there were runners everywhere. The park was full of people enjoying the sun and mad people doing their aerobic classes out in public. We went to the park and Paul spent most of the time in the sandpit and on the slide and when he was lucky, Boy Wonder joined him. After Paul was worn out we walked further into the park as far as the boating lake and found a good spot for our picnic. After that, the boys headed back for their afternoon nap and I set off for Bloomingdales. Once again, once I was inside Bloomingdales I remembered it's not my cup of tea - or maybe it would be if I had a bottomless pit of cash.

When I was heading home, I was spotted by a young man (now I'm 38 do I get to call men in their twenties 'young man'??) who broke off his call and asked me where I got my T-shirt. Apparently he designed it for Macy's and was rather surprised when I told him that I bought it back in England. He then proceeded to point out all of the bits that had been added to his design. I have decided to believe him and not think he is a weirdy beardy for these reasons - he didn't smell of alcohol and sway, he was quite charming and finally, I haven't been stopped by a 'young man' for a while (well, not since I was asked if I was going clubbing in December when I was out in Uxbridge. But he appeared from behind a bus stop and was definitely weird).

Today I have turned 38 and even if you've had a lovely day, that's quite a shock to the system. I had a lie in with Boy Wonder climbing all over me, then had lovely chats with m and d, Jane and then Sam and John, who sang 'Happy Birthday' to me so loudly that their cats started to cry.

Then we went to Bryant Park (do you see a routine forming??) and then walked down Fifth Avenue which had been closed to traffic due to the Easter Bonnet Parade. Paul had found an italian restaurant opposite the Modern art Museum where we were actually able to sit outside and enjoy the sun while watching the world go by.

This time last year, Paul and I had just arrived in Brazil and Boy Wonder was just a face on a piece of paper. We still hadn't had our match confirmed, we couldn't sell the house and were unsure of where Paul's job would lead. It's amazing to think how far we've come! Let's see what the next year will bring...


  1. When I was young I used to stop all the 40year olds and tell them I was a hard living rock star and do you want to come to my next only worked on Mum...Dad xxx.(She was not 40).

  2. I'm 38 Dad. Hopefully the 'young man' didn't think I was a 40 year old and he was doing me a favour.

    'When you were young'??? I obviously missed

  3. Do not forget I was born in the coldest winter of 1947...Dad xxx.

  4. Oi - the cats were joining in! Great update, sounds like you had a fab weekend. Do post a couple of pics of the Anthony Gormley, he's cool. However, I am confused as to how you are 38?!! I am only 27 and I thought we were in the same class at school. My mistake.

  5. Glol!!! (That'll confuse my dad!!)

    Will add some pics tonight xxx

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Louise! x

  7. That did not confuse me but whats cool?

  8. so glad you had an amazing birthday. A very thought-provoking end to your blog... life is one big adventure! xxx
