Friday 9 April 2010

Busy busy busy

Boy Wonder and I decided to have a more leisurely morning yesterday so we went to the playground until it got too sunny. Then we went for a quick trip to Toys R Us in Times Square and I decided to grab a hot chocolate and sit in the shade to watch the world go by. My happy mood was literally dampened by some dork (tee hee) who spilt his hot coffee over my back and arm while I was waiting in the queue. He did apologise and I can only assume it was by accident but then he just left me standing there with coffee running down my arm. It was one of those awful moments when everyone just stares at you. I tried desperately to think of some witty or cutting remark but my mind was blank so I just grabbed some napkins and cleaned up. I found a good people-watching spot but was then surrounded by a school/college group of British teenagers who were obviously at the end of their trip as they were taking 101 different photos of a variety of combinations of friends against a variety of backdrops.

After watching all of their teenage antics, I walked back passing the Hilton Theatre which is going to stage 'Spiderman', which has music and lyrics written by Bono and The Edge. I was looking at the progress backstage (I walk past the stage quite often and the doors are always open) and I got talking to a crew member who said the show doesn't start until November. I asked why they were getting the stage ready so early and he said that 'Spiderman' is going to be the 'biggest stage event' ever and that they need to do months of rehearsals and practise with all of the equipment as Spiderman really will be climbing the walls and flying across the theatre. Yes, really! So if that sounds like your 'thing' then you may want to book a trip after November!

In the afternoon I headed off for my first 'meet up' with total strangers. I thought I would attempt the subway so went to the station around the corner that has lift access. I must admit it was all rather painless and luckily the trains were quite empty. When I got off the train, three different people came over and asked if I needed help with the stroller up the stairs but I declined their kind offers as I thought I needed to work out where the lifts were. All was going well until I realised I was lost inside the station and couldn't find the way out. The sign saying exit with an arrow to a lift actually took me back to the train platform. I went up and down the lift a few times trying to work out where to get out. A very nice lady steered me in the right direction and was also the first person since I've been here to comment on my english accent.

When I finally escaped into the fresh air it was a relief. Around 14th street the buildings are much lower and life seems to go at a bit of a slower pace. I walked to the Highline where I was meeting the others and was predictably right on time as always. Everyone else was running late so I had ten minutes trying to work out whether the best thing to do would just be to run in the opposite direction and be happy with my own company for a bit longer. I then decided that if the afternoon was a total disaster I could leave early and never see them again. In the end, I'm glad I stayed as I met with three other 'moms' and their toddlers and had a lovely afternoon. As well as it being nice to have a walk and a general chat with adults during the day, I hadn't realised what a wealth of local information I could pick up in such a short space of time. I found out which parks were the best, the toddler friendly restaurants and the best subways when you've got the stroller. The others made me feel really welcome and after the walk we went into Chelsea Market for a drink. All of the children were born within about three months of each other so they all had tips of where was suitable for Boy Wonder. I'm due to meet up with one of the girls again next Wednesday afternoon so already I'm starting to fill my diary!!

Without going in to all of the 'Phil and Kirsty' type details, we saw five properties today in Long Island. Four in Port Washington - one was too scruffy, one too small, one too old and one too new - and one in Garden City which was just right. We are heading out again this week to either New Jersey or Westchester to have another nose about. I love having a good wander around other people's houses!

1 comment:

  1. Try to find any Grandad friendly ones when I visit you can leave me in
