Sunday 25 April 2010

It's a new dawn, it's a new day...

After the post-traumatic stress that I'm sure lots of you suffered after reading my last blog, I'd like to start with a joke to lighten the mood.
Knock knock
(Who's there?)
Interupting cheese
(Interupting cheese who?) - While this is being said, the 'knock knock' person shouts - CHEESE
When the person looks confused, the 'knock knock' person says, 'See, I told you I was an interupting cheese'...

This highly amusing joke is part of my favourite US TV ad about a particular brand of cheese that has to be properly matured in order to be sold. Quite clearly, the cheese who tells the joke isn't chosen. This joke has kept Paul and I amused for hours...

Anyway, as I said, it's a new dawn, it's a new day and I'm feeling good. I've had no more drama that has reached the dizzying heights of Thursday, thank goodness. I recovered by eating Toys R Us pic-n-mix (SO much cheaper than FAO Schwarz!) and Paul brought home some Magnolia Bakery cupcakes so all was (nearly) forgotten. I had a lovely afternoon on Friday as I met a couple of other local Brit moms at the playground and Boy Wonder slept in his stroller in the shade so I was actually able to have a proper conversation. They were horrified about my subway experience and said that everyone gets stopped like that at some point but they usually get a police officer with an ounce of manners and decency. Apparently the station I was at has a reputation for having some of the toughest officers as it can be a bit of a magnet for some of New York's more 'interesting' characters.

Yesterday we set off early and got the subway (oh yes) down to Battery Park where we took a boat tour. We had originally planned to get the boat to Liberty Island but the queue was too long. We ended up on a boat tour that went around the southern tip of Manhattan, back around the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and then past Brooklyn. The Statue of Liberty is my most favourite New York sight and she was in all her glory against the blue sky. When we were on the subway heading home, some Bavarian-style folk musicians came on the train to 'entertain' the passengers before going around with their cap. 99% of the passengers averted their gaze, apart from Boy Wonder who stood up clapping and dancing and who clearly thought that this was the most fun he'd had all day.

When living in New York you have to spend your time watching films that are based in New York, and this week we have watched two. The first one was 'The Day After Tomorrow' which I gather had something to do with global warming. Last night we watched 'The Gangs of New York' which was rather more interesting. The film is based in the five points area of Manhattan which today would be halfway between Chinatown and the Financial district, which was the neck of the woods we were in yesterday morning. The slum at five points had at least one murder a night for fifteen years until it was closed down in 1862.

You will be pleased to know that the good weather has moved across your side of the pond and it rained all day today and looks likely to continue for a couple of days. Staying in will give me a bit of time to think of lots more funny jokes to tell you.... xx


  1. Obviously, it's the famous interrupting cheese. I'll blame Paul for that one ...

  2. I trust you said 1862 anyway do not give up the day

  3. Yay - I saw that advert many times last week and it too made me laugh out loud!! As did reading your blog!! Ha ha! Am busy putting a UK parcel together for you to time how long it takes from here as opposed to from Denver!! Boy what an interesting life I lead!! Much love to you all xxxxx

  4. hi hun, just read your shaft blog, hope you are recovered, that was just miserable, i would have been a tad stressed out by that experience too, rotten gits. glad you had a better day on sunday, sounds like tyler is having fun and i am really glad you have managed to meet some other brit mums, keep your chin up sweetie and speak to you soon. xx
