Wednesday 14 April 2010

'Yes but mine doesn't do eating.'

Where has the time gone since Saturday?? I wish I could say to you all that I have been doing some wild and crazy New York things but life has started to have some aspects that are verging on normality. Wild and crazy no, but I have been doing some lovely things. Thankfully the weather is mild and sunny but without the high temperatures of last week.

On Sunday we met for lunch with some ex-pats that we had been introduced to through an old work colleague of Paul. We had a lovely time and the food was to die for. I had the largest bowl of macaroni cheese in the world which was dripping with cheese and which tasted like heaven. Of course, you needed to move beyond the stodginess and the calorie overload to truly appreciate it but I had no issues with that. In fact, I brought the half that I didn't eat with me home in my first doggy bag and had it for dinner too. On the way to the restaurant, we ended up in a school playground which had some good playground equipment and some basketball hoops. Paul would like me to tell you all that he ruled the court and hit some hoops. He hasn't yet been brave enough to join the teenagers that play in the court opposite the apartment but maybe he is building up to it.

Today I went to my second 'meetup' with local parents who live in the Hell's Kitchen part of Manhattan which is a block or so west. The name apparently comes from a conversation between a veteran cop and his rookie partner while watching a riot on West 39th back in the 1800s. The rookie is supposed to have said, 'This place is hell itself,' to which the veteran cop replied, 'Hell's a mild climate. This is Hell's Kitchen.' (Honest, m and d, it's not like that now, you don't need to worry!) Anyway, we met at a lovely park and everyone was very pleasant but I spent most of the time chasing Boy Wonder around. I did meet three Brit moms though and one of them gave me her number so I'm going to arrange a 'family dating' session with her. The longest conversation I had was with a nice lady who had an equally active toddler. She asked how old Boy Wonder was so I answered 19 months. To be polite I asked the same question (this seems to be what you 'do' when you are with other moms - it is quite dull) and she replied 17 months. So I said something along the lines of them being a similar height, to which the lady replied, 'Yes, but my son doesn't DO eating.' Excuse me! What was she trying to say??? I did point out that Boy Wonder has only put on 1lb since last October and in that single moment I turned into one of those boring, defensive mothers that I dread. Why on earth am I telling a stranger how much weight Boy Wonder has or hasn't put on??????? Hint to self - make some friends...

However, I will share with you the joys of living with Boy Wonder as I know you'll all be interested. So far this week, he has moved boxes to stand on to try and reach the locks to escape (again), styled his hair with sudocrem, learnt to put his own nappy sacks in the bin and dirty laundry in the basket and has now developed a habit of waving goodbye to anyone and anything, including doors and fountains.

I need to go now so will finish off by saying that Dr Phil and Judge Judy are both well. Am rather excited as my bro turns up tomorrow night and I can't wait to be his tour guide. xx

1 comment:

  1. Do not forget that both you and I still use boxes to reach
