Wednesday, 10 November 2010
The hills are alive...
Friday, 5 November 2010
It's not called the Fall for nothing, you know...
Friday, 24 September 2010
Aah it's nice to be wanted....
Yes yes I know I've been very, very slack on the blogging front recently but I really had lost track of how long it had been. It has been on my to-do list and has sort of been there a while. However, I'm now starting to get people checking that I'm ok as I haven't written my blog. So to put those lovely minds at rest, here I am.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Social Butterfly
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Sweaty Betty
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
What I loved about our trip home...
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Not long now....
Thursday, 24 June 2010
I like driving in my car...

Thursday, 17 June 2010
Stick that, Hose!!!
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Life in the 'burbs
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Officially a desperate housewife!
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
That's our boy...
Sunday, 23 May 2010
What's it all about, Alfie?
Monday, 10 May 2010
Richard. North. Patterson.
Santa Monica continued to be wonderful. We had a lovely trip down the coast to stay with our friends, Steve and Julia, and their two girls. They live in San Clemente which is about and hour and a quarter south of SM. We had a great time and Boy Wonder was rather perturbed to wake up on Sunday and realise we hadn't brought the girls back with us to amuse him.
It was the 'Mother's Day' USA style on Sunday and we were lucky enough to have a day where everything went exactly to plan. We had a (very small) lie in, the morning on the beach, a nice lunch, Boy Wonder slept in his stroller while Paul and I read by the pool, we then all played in the pool before getting ready for the evening where we took Boy Wonder out for his first curry.
I decided to wear a nice frock in the evening and got changed while Boy Wonder was in the bath. Just before I was going to get him out, he turned an alarming shade of red and started to poo in the bath. This isn't the first time it's happened so Paul and I were feeling rather confident in handling the mess (so to speak) better than the last time. Now, Boy Wonder's tummy has been slightly unsettled and the sight of all this floating poo was obviously too much for him, as all of a sudden, he picked up a bit and threw it across the bathroom floor. It was a bit like slow motion as I jumped away laughing 'no, no, no' and the flying poo missed my lovely dress by an inch. It actually went splat, I don't think I've ever seen anything go splat before. Paul and I then laughed so much we scared Boy Wonder, who will probably now be scarred for life.
As Paul is busy working, I'll be spending the next few evenings in the hotel room so I needed to get another book as the one I've just started ('Case Histories' by Kate Atkinson - thank you Sara) won't last me long. I went into my beloved Barnes and Noble and had a good rummage around the mystery section, which in the UK would be deemed the 'crime' section. Now as most of you know, I'm rather partial to a bit of crime and forensic pathology, and I find it hard enough trying to work out which Ian Rankin/Reginald Hill/Ruth Rendell/Peter Robinson/Kathy Reichs books I have/haven't read, and that's without them all having different USA covers. I finally decided on a good, old Richard North Patterson instead, so I needed to go to a different section. I thought the best way to find what I wanted was to ask a member of staff. It sort of went like this...
Me: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find the Richard North Patterson books?
Staff member: (looks blank)
Me: The Richard North Patterson books? Where can I find them?
Staff member: (turns head to side and looks at me like I'm some alien from outer space)
Me: Can you tell me where they are please?
Staff member: (shakes head in a confused fashion) I can't understand you. I'm sorry. What?
Me: Richard (pause). North (pause). Patterson.
Staff member: Oh. Is that what you're trying to say? In the fiction section. (Walks off)
Me : (Walks off calling him many names, none of which I can write on my blog as they'll make my Dad blush)
Anyway, I got my book in the end, and jolly good it looks too. In case you are interested, it's called 'The Spire', by Richard North Patterson...
Tomorrow will be a long day as Boy Wonder and I are off to Disneyland for a day trip, and don't get back here until 9pm. It will be exactly a year since we met Boy Wonder for the first time so will be nice to do something special. Can't wait!
Thursday, 6 May 2010
A quick one...
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be ...
Sunday, 25 April 2010
It's a new dawn, it's a new day...
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Monday, 19 April 2010
Pro-active is my middle name...
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Bloody Volcanoes....
We have been out today and finally sorted out our house (subject to all parties signing the lease.) We went back to the property that we really likes last week and met the landlord, Boon. I was rather nervous about meeting the landlord as it reminded me of something from years ago. Paul and I went to look at flat in Acton which we had found in the Loot paper and were shown around by the landlady. It was one of those arrangements where the landlady lived downstairs and she rented out the top floor. We loved the flat and thought the viewing had gone really well so we rang the landlady back later that day and were really disappointed to hear that the flat had just been rented out. We continued to search but didn't find anything so were really pleased to see the flat re-advertised in Loot a couple of weeks later. Paul rang the landlady and reminded her of our viewing and said that we were still really keen and how pleased we were that the flat was now available. There was an awful pause before the landlady blurted out that she wouldn't rent to us as she didn't like us and then she slammed down the phone. Luckily that didn't happen today! We are hopefully off to the village of Garden City on Long Island.
I can't get my head around American TV at all. The only programme that I watch is ANTM and a bit of Dancing With The Stars but even that isn't the same as my beloved Strictly. I did watch Celebrity Apprentice last night though. I realised that other than three of the contestants (Sharon Osbourne, Michael Jordan and Cyndi Lauper) I've got no idea who anyone else is so it's a bit like watching the normal apprentice. Though Donald Trump is definitely no Sir Alan.
We are also getting a lot of trailers for a remake of 'Nightmare On Elm St'. Have I missed something?? Was the original really that long ago?? Does it really need a remake? I think not. Freddy Krueger is still wearing the stripey jumper and they seem to have copied the old version scene for scene judging by the clips in the trailer.
Something I saw on the local news that amused me. There is a new exhibit at the Modern Art Museum - sorry the artist's name escapes me. It involves two real naked women standing opposite each other in a doorway. The article was about how they have had to raise security levels as people keep groping them. What tickled me was that they interviewed some chap in a rather dodgy rain mac who was explaining how it was very difficult to squeeze between the naked women without touching them as there wasn't space. He remarked how concerned he was that they would end up with lots of chafed and sore skin after all of the rough fabrics had been brushing past them all day. I'm sure he was salivating as he was expressing his concern. In my opinion, he looks a little too concerned...
It's all a bit cloudy here at the moment but looking forawrd to nice weather next week. Going back to the theatre like Billy No-Mates tomorrow to see Denzel Washington in a play called 'Fences'.
Fingers crossed the ash blows away soon...
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
'Yes but mine doesn't do eating.'
On Sunday we met for lunch with some ex-pats that we had been introduced to through an old work colleague of Paul. We had a lovely time and the food was to die for. I had the largest bowl of macaroni cheese in the world which was dripping with cheese and which tasted like heaven. Of course, you needed to move beyond the stodginess and the calorie overload to truly appreciate it but I had no issues with that. In fact, I brought the half that I didn't eat with me home in my first doggy bag and had it for dinner too. On the way to the restaurant, we ended up in a school playground which had some good playground equipment and some basketball hoops. Paul would like me to tell you all that he ruled the court and hit some hoops. He hasn't yet been brave enough to join the teenagers that play in the court opposite the apartment but maybe he is building up to it.
Today I went to my second 'meetup' with local parents who live in the Hell's Kitchen part of Manhattan which is a block or so west. The name apparently comes from a conversation between a veteran cop and his rookie partner while watching a riot on West 39th back in the 1800s. The rookie is supposed to have said, 'This place is hell itself,' to which the veteran cop replied, 'Hell's a mild climate. This is Hell's Kitchen.' (Honest, m and d, it's not like that now, you don't need to worry!) Anyway, we met at a lovely park and everyone was very pleasant but I spent most of the time chasing Boy Wonder around. I did meet three Brit moms though and one of them gave me her number so I'm going to arrange a 'family dating' session with her. The longest conversation I had was with a nice lady who had an equally active toddler. She asked how old Boy Wonder was so I answered 19 months. To be polite I asked the same question (this seems to be what you 'do' when you are with other moms - it is quite dull) and she replied 17 months. So I said something along the lines of them being a similar height, to which the lady replied, 'Yes, but my son doesn't DO eating.' Excuse me! What was she trying to say??? I did point out that Boy Wonder has only put on 1lb since last October and in that single moment I turned into one of those boring, defensive mothers that I dread. Why on earth am I telling a stranger how much weight Boy Wonder has or hasn't put on??????? Hint to self - make some friends...
However, I will share with you the joys of living with Boy Wonder as I know you'll all be interested. So far this week, he has moved boxes to stand on to try and reach the locks to escape (again), styled his hair with sudocrem, learnt to put his own nappy sacks in the bin and dirty laundry in the basket and has now developed a habit of waving goodbye to anyone and anything, including doors and fountains.
I need to go now so will finish off by saying that Dr Phil and Judge Judy are both well. Am rather excited as my bro turns up tomorrow night and I can't wait to be his tour guide. xx
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Greenwich Village
Before I tell you about Greenwich Village, I'm going to attempt to add a video of Boy Wonder playing on the big piano at FAO Schwarz last week. It was one of the many things we did to escape the heat. I'm sure you'll agree, Boy Wonder gives Tom Hanks a good run for his money. Let me know if you are able to view it. It is only short so don't spend too long trying to download it. I should say before you watch it, 'no children were harmed in the making of this video'.... ;-)
We stopped for lunch at an english chippie called 'A Salt And Battery' and sat and watched the world go by. Paul continued teaching Boy Wonder to say 'No no no no' while waggling his finger and shaking his head. I'm hoping that will come back to haunt him at some point. Next door is a lovely english tea shop called 'Tea and Sympathy' and and their sister store 'Carry On Tea and Sympathy' where I was able to buy some Heinz baked beans. The shop is set out like an olde worlde shoppe with all of the engligh food favourites. I didn't stay in there too long as I was starting to salivate over the pink french fancies. Maybe my bro can squeeze a pack in his case when he comes to visit on Thursday. Hint hint hint..... x
Friday, 9 April 2010
Busy busy busy
After watching all of their teenage antics, I walked back passing the Hilton Theatre which is going to stage 'Spiderman', which has music and lyrics written by Bono and The Edge. I was looking at the progress backstage (I walk past the stage quite often and the doors are always open) and I got talking to a crew member who said the show doesn't start until November. I asked why they were getting the stage ready so early and he said that 'Spiderman' is going to be the 'biggest stage event' ever and that they need to do months of rehearsals and practise with all of the equipment as Spiderman really will be climbing the walls and flying across the theatre. Yes, really! So if that sounds like your 'thing' then you may want to book a trip after November!
In the afternoon I headed off for my first 'meet up' with total strangers. I thought I would attempt the subway so went to the station around the corner that has lift access. I must admit it was all rather painless and luckily the trains were quite empty. When I got off the train, three different people came over and asked if I needed help with the stroller up the stairs but I declined their kind offers as I thought I needed to work out where the lifts were. All was going well until I realised I was lost inside the station and couldn't find the way out. The sign saying exit with an arrow to a lift actually took me back to the train platform. I went up and down the lift a few times trying to work out where to get out. A very nice lady steered me in the right direction and was also the first person since I've been here to comment on my english accent.
When I finally escaped into the fresh air it was a relief. Around 14th street the buildings are much lower and life seems to go at a bit of a slower pace. I walked to the Highline where I was meeting the others and was predictably right on time as always. Everyone else was running late so I had ten minutes trying to work out whether the best thing to do would just be to run in the opposite direction and be happy with my own company for a bit longer. I then decided that if the afternoon was a total disaster I could leave early and never see them again. In the end, I'm glad I stayed as I met with three other 'moms' and their toddlers and had a lovely afternoon. As well as it being nice to have a walk and a general chat with adults during the day, I hadn't realised what a wealth of local information I could pick up in such a short space of time. I found out which parks were the best, the toddler friendly restaurants and the best subways when you've got the stroller. The others made me feel really welcome and after the walk we went into Chelsea Market for a drink. All of the children were born within about three months of each other so they all had tips of where was suitable for Boy Wonder. I'm due to meet up with one of the girls again next Wednesday afternoon so already I'm starting to fill my diary!!
Without going in to all of the 'Phil and Kirsty' type details, we saw five properties today in Long Island. Four in Port Washington - one was too scruffy, one too small, one too old and one too new - and one in Garden City which was just right. We are heading out again this week to either New Jersey or Westchester to have another nose about. I love having a good wander around other people's houses!
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Short but sweet.
I am still laughing at the story about the two german woman who have been arrested for attempting to smuggle a corpse on a plane at Liverpool airport. According to news reports, the old man was wrapped up in a blanket and dark glasses and the women told airport staff that he was asleep. It just makes me think of watching 'Weekend at Bernie's' with Rachel when we went to Boston in 1989 to stay with my Uncle. We thought it was the funniest film in the whole wide world ever and rolled about laughing. Of course, when we returned to England and saw the film a second time, after raving about it to everyone, it wasn't quite the same. It must have been the American cinema experience. We also saw 'Dead Poet's Society' and people stood and clapped at the end. I'm sure we didn't get that at the Maybox.
We had a bit of excitement nearby yesterday evening when a series of manhole covers blew up and caught fire on 50th street between 8th and Broadway. Apparently it had something to do with the gases building up on the subway (?). I walked past the end of the road this morning and there were lots of fire-engines still there but no more explosions since last night. Talking about fire-engines, on the way to Central Park walking up 8th you pass the local fire-fighters station and on the wall they have a large mural remembering the fighters from that station who died on 9/11. Sixteen firefighters from that one station died. Just from that one station.
I tried to get to the sandpit in Central Park as early as I could and made it about quarter to ten. Even then, the sun was baking hot so we didn't stay too long. There was a right bunch of miserable so and so's at the park today and, though I know I shouldn't say it, but some really unpleasant children. Maybe being a teacher has set my expectations too high but when a little squirt takes away Boy Wonder's special shovel without asking and then won't give it back when I ask, well, in my opinion he deserved the sand that Boy Wonder aimed at his face.... ;-)
Can I just point out though that Boy Wonder only threw the sand when he saw little squirt's brother doing it first! Everywhere in the parks you see signs that say thank you for respecting the fences. I assumed this meant look after the fences and not pull or lean on them. I've now worked out it means don't climb over the fence onto the plants.
Anyway, after a miserable, sunstroke inducing time at the park we went to meet Paul for lunch via the Magnolia bakery. As you may know, Paul enjoys a nice bit of chocolate cake so I asked for the last slice which was a pretty hefty chunk. The lovely lady put it in a special box and went away. When she returned, she said with all seriousness, 'I'm sorry but this piece of cake is too small,' to which I replied, 'Oh dear. What do you suggest I do?' (That's a line I've stolen from Paul). So off she went again and saw her manager. When she returned, she asked if I was going to have anything else and I said I was about to get a cupcake. That was when she uttered the wonderful line, 'Well in that case, my manager says you can have the chocolate cake for free.' 'For free?' I replied. 'Oh yes' she said as she floated away into the heavens. OK I made up that last line but you get the picture.
Happiness is free cake in 87 degree New York heat. xx
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Ooh now with photos!!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Would you have liked a present too?
Have had a very busy few days in the sun. Despite Easter being called a holiday weekend, there are no bank holidays although Paul was able to take a half day off on Friday. Friday morning was dominated by parks once again. Boy Wonder and I started in Bryant Park, which I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice already and is already on my favourite places list. In the winter they have a free ice-rink and they have just finished laying the lawn for Spring.
After Bryant Park, we headed down Broadway and went to Madison Square Park which is near the Flatiron building. Anthony Gormley, the sculptor who created 'The Angel of the North', has a new installation called 'Event Horizon' based in and around the Flatiron district. It is 31 slightly different naked sculptures of himself dotted on the buildings and one in the park. When the event launched last month, the police were inundated with concerned passersby who thought people were about to jump off the buildings. I took lots of photographs of the sculptures I spotted and had some practise with the zoom on my camera. Then Boy Wonder and I continued along Broadway to Union Square which had their farmer's market on so was very busy. Our destination was the lovely playground - and was also the destination for every other child in New York. Again, the playground was full of exciting equipment and had a sandpit. When you entered through the gate, I needed to add the buggy to the line of about 50 others lined up against the fence. It was rather tricky finally encouraging (??!) Boy Wonder to leave but then we went across to the orginal Barnes and Nobel bookstore and I bribed him with some more picture books. Unfortunately, as the child of a teacher you end up with all of the old classics, so we added 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt' to our collection.
Yesterday morning, the three of us set of early and headed for Central Park. The park had another 10K run going on and there were runners everywhere. The park was full of people enjoying the sun and mad people doing their aerobic classes out in public. We went to the park and Paul spent most of the time in the sandpit and on the slide and when he was lucky, Boy Wonder joined him. After Paul was worn out we walked further into the park as far as the boating lake and found a good spot for our picnic. After that, the boys headed back for their afternoon nap and I set off for Bloomingdales. Once again, once I was inside Bloomingdales I remembered it's not my cup of tea - or maybe it would be if I had a bottomless pit of cash.
When I was heading home, I was spotted by a young man (now I'm 38 do I get to call men in their twenties 'young man'??) who broke off his call and asked me where I got my T-shirt. Apparently he designed it for Macy's and was rather surprised when I told him that I bought it back in England. He then proceeded to point out all of the bits that had been added to his design. I have decided to believe him and not think he is a weirdy beardy for these reasons - he didn't smell of alcohol and sway, he was quite charming and finally, I haven't been stopped by a 'young man' for a while (well, not since I was asked if I was going clubbing in December when I was out in Uxbridge. But he appeared from behind a bus stop and was definitely weird).
Today I have turned 38 and even if you've had a lovely day, that's quite a shock to the system. I had a lie in with Boy Wonder climbing all over me, then had lovely chats with m and d, Jane and then Sam and John, who sang 'Happy Birthday' to me so loudly that their cats started to cry.
Then we went to Bryant Park (do you see a routine forming??) and then walked down Fifth Avenue which had been closed to traffic due to the Easter Bonnet Parade. Paul had found an italian restaurant opposite the Modern art Museum where we were actually able to sit outside and enjoy the sun while watching the world go by.
This time last year, Paul and I had just arrived in Brazil and Boy Wonder was just a face on a piece of paper. We still hadn't had our match confirmed, we couldn't sell the house and were unsure of where Paul's job would lead. It's amazing to think how far we've come! Let's see what the next year will bring...